Celebrate with Shades of Pink


A good friend of mine celebrated a birthday yesterday and I was initially thinking a big ol’ batch of cookies would be the ticket. But then I remembered that last year was a landmark birthday and I created a massive floral arrangement to celebrate the occasion. Here’s the link to last year’s creation for reference. I always love to celebrate the big years (my birthdays are no exception), but I hate the idea of the following year to be any less. So here we are… knee deep in brilliant hues of pink, because all birthdays are special. You’re special. We all deserve all the pretty things in life.

My inspiration for ‘Shades of Pink’ was that I wanted them to walk into a room and see an explosion of pink in all shades. I also found a tall vessel and for some reason, I couldn’t get it out of my head to create this whimsical, lush lollipop of florals. I said no to any greenery, because the answer for this arrangement, pink flowers only club. A trio of ‘pink floyd’, ‘pandora’, and ‘sweet avalanche’ roses would fill the room with a sweet fragrance. Balanced with novelty carnations and an array of wax flower, I think it’s safe to say that my job here is done.

‘Shades of pink’


  • Column vessel (6-7” opening)

  • Oasis floral foam

  • Clear floral tape

  • Floral snips

  • 25 stems of ‘Pink Floyd Rockstar’ roses

  • 25 stems of ‘Pandora’ roses

  • 25 stems of ‘Sweet Avalanche’ roses

  • 25 stems of bicolor carnations

  • 1 bunch of light pink wax flower

  • 1 bunch of fruit punch red wax flower


  1. Secure floral foam to the top of the vessel with clear floral tape. I usually create an X shape across the floral foam to better secure it to the base.

  2. Fill the vessel with water so that any additional stems placed into the vessel will have water access.

  3. Start with the ‘Pink Floyd’ roses to start to build the shape of the arrangement. For this particular piece, I wanted it to have a full and round body. Set aside 6-8 ‘Pink Floyd’ roses.

  4. Layer in the ‘Sweet Avalanche’ light pink hued roses to create a balance to the ‘Pink Floyd” roses. Grouping a few to create more impactful lighter areas will create more interest than a perfectly spaced out light pink and dark pink array. Set aside 6-8 ‘Sweet Avalanche’ roses.

  5. Layer in the ‘Pandora’ roses throughout the arrangement. Set aside 6-8 ‘Pandora roses.

  6. Layer in the carnations and tuck them closer into the arrangement and a few stems further away to create depth and interest. Set aside 6-8 stems.

  7. Fill the areas between roses with a blend of the light pink and fruit punch wax flower.

  8. Now with the remaining rose and carnation stems, add them into the arrangement so that the finished piece is full and the blend of colors is robust.

  9. Spritz the arrangement with water to help hydrate the petals.

FLORALSMatt TsangComment